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Healing at the Edge Training WorkshopOnline
Mar 15-16, 2025
  • Total payment
  • 1xMar 15-16 2025 Training Workshop$0

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What Participants Are Saying From Dale’s Previous Workshops And Courses:

"I was highly impressed by this offering. Dale was a wonderful presenter who could lead and facilitate in a focused, ease-filled way. He made accessible some very deep topics that have many layers, giving us bites that were digestible, usable, and offered entry points to deeper consideration and practice."

– Annice

"Dale made the information and experiences accessible to people with a wide variety of spiritual and professional backgrounds by exercising attunement to individuals and the group. He balanced a lot of factors well." 
– Tami

"I have been studying with and really appreciating the support and guidance of Dale for probably about five years now. I have participated in his workshops a number of times in the last five years, some of his courses I have repeated simply because there is so much depth and opportunity for contemplation and introspection and compassionate growth. [It’s] just a real heart centered approach to life, that there’s always something new that he provides." 
– Carly
